Law project to eliminate the Mobility Pass

“The annual U.S. COVID-19 vaccine market going forward could be in the range of $5.2 billion to $12.9 billion**, depending on the price of shots and who is eligible to receive them, according to Moderna’s chief commercial officer, Arpa Garay. He made the comments at the company’s annual research and development event.”

This came to me from Investopedia… It has NOTHING to do with “safety.” All about the $$$$… Anyone who still follows the narrative is an idiot.

Here is the last decreto.

Decreto-31 28-MAR-2022 MINISTERIO DE SALUD, SUBSECRETARÍA DE SALUD PÚBLICA - Ley Chile - Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional (

Artículo 1°.- Reemplázase en el artículo 10º del decreto Nº 4, de 2020, del Ministerio de Salud, que decreta Alerta Sanitaria por el período que se señala y otorga facultades extraordinarias que indica por Emergencia de Salud Pública de Importancia Internacional (ESPII) por brote del nuevo coronavirus (2019-NCOV), la frase “31 de marzo”, por “30 de septiembre”.

So, it looks like the way they do the extensions is by passing a bill to amend the original bill’s language to modify the date. Since this was promulgated on 18 March, I think we will know by Tuesday what’s going to happen.

All going on vacation by Monday. As the minister said in the interview then he expects news no later than Thursday.

Forgot we’re off on Monday. Updated my comment.


Boric is going to look very churlish if he doesn’t get rid of it now. Well done to Ojeda!

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So, reading between the lines, I believe this means that they will NOT be ending the Alerta Sanitaria, otherwise they would just not extend the current end date of the end of the month and end all sanitary measures. They wouldn’t need to pass this resolution.

It’s possible that a deal was done with the izquierdistas to vote with the right on the pase in exchange for keeping the rest of the measures on the books (masks, etc). A face-saving exercise for them and the government (we know masks are useless).

The Republicans had months to present such a resolution and they didn’t till now and only after the unaligned silent majority voted for Rechazo as the final days of the Medical Alert are ticking down.

But yeah, thanks to the Republicans and Parisi’s party for presenting and finally getting the resolution passed.

3.6 + 1.7 without ANY jab = 5.3 million citizens and residents / 19 million = nearly 28% of the population denied the constitutional right to move around as they please.

Yeah real minority.

Do we know for sure that the 3.6 excludes the 1.7?

The 1.7 never had a Pase. The Pase was first unveiled when the Sinovac, Pfizer, Astrazeneca, Moderna, J&J and Cansino jabs began.

Of course, the gov can always play around with numbers as they see fit.

So, registration was done when you took a jab? They didn’t automatically add a profile for everyone?

Guess I’ll go check out

I never recall having a QR code to be scanned but I’ll go and check it out.

OK, looks as if you do not have a complete profile, then the scan does not recognize the QR code on your carnet.

If you do complete the profile with country of origin and comuna of residence, it recognizes your QR code.

If you then delete the country of origin and comuna info, your QR code is not recognized.

So the way they setup the system, the unjabbed do not exist unless they signed up with email address and filled out nationality and comuna info.

Seems so. So it’s 5.3 million as you said.

I should point out that I don’t believe the QR code on your carnet is the same as the one on a pase.

And of course, if there is no jab info, which you need a completed profile to complete and show, there is no other code that can be downloaded.

Gov playing around with numbers, who would have thought?

When I had my nationality and residence comuna filled out, the scan recognized my QR code on the carnet and said my Pass was not active.

So, I was just looking at this for the umpteenth time (this time in detail)…

…and I think either you misunderstood the legal justification for the Alerta Sanitaria, or I made some bad assumptions about what you understood.

Until this weekend, I had assumed from your previous comment at the end of June that the legislation governing the conditions (including the end date) around the Alerta had been passed by Congress as a Ley and that therefore it would require an amendment by Congress to change the end date and it would be illegal for Minsal to continue demanding sanitary measures after this date. That is what I understood you to be getting at.

Unfortunately, this appears to be incorrect. Minsal was fully empowered by emergency powers laws to declare the emergency measures in the first place through a Decreto, and unilaterally make amendments to that Decreto thereafter.

I had assumed that the March extension until the end of September had been done by Congress and that this resolution they just passed was a shot across the bow to leverage the left of Congress into a compromise whereby the right would agree to another extension of the legislation in exchange for getting rid of the pase, but that is not the case.

Sadly, it is actually a rather toothless challenge as all the decision-making power sits with the new WHO stooge Minister.

NO, it was always a medical dictatorship bypassing Congress; rule by decreto from Minsal.

The only justification was during the Estado de Excepcióon which ended MONTHS ago. After the end of that status, they used the Medical Alert illegally as a way to continue the COVID measures.

Congress just sat on their hands and allowed this to continue.

Think about it, why were no Minsal officials taking temps, patrolling the rounds for compliance after the end of the Estado de Excepción? They forced ordinary citizens to mandate compliance because Minsal officals no longer had authority to do those things.

This is how I see things:

In order to continue making money by means of increasing (no matter artificially or really) the number of people with any sort of medical diagnosis (either true or imagined), and to promote the world’s most expensive drugs (no matter if useless), the big pharma HAS to arrange things in such way that the powers of health authorities, worldwide, are superior to any sort of state laws. And this country, and our present situation is just an organic part of this global trend… The perspective is dark.