Do visitors still require proof of vaccination? Is there any discussion of lifting that restriction?
Visitors as in tourists or visitors as in residents and citizens?
In the next days, we will have more confirmations on the recent changes to Paso a Paso, Pase de Movilidad, etc.
Are there 2 different laws? I was speaking as visitors, no cedulas
thanks eeuu, does that mean proof of vac is no longer required to enter Chile?
Depends on the alert level BUT a tourist with no mobility pass will have the same issues a resident or citizen without a mobility pass has regarding indoor restaurant eating, domestic flights, interregional bus trips over 200 kms., etc.
I have a friend who chose not to get vaccinated and they would like to visit. It is a 5 hour bus ride from the airport. Interesting. If they broke it into 3 trips, would they be able to travel relatively hassle free?
The restriction only applies to public transport which includes domestic flights, interregional buses over 200 kms. and I suppose trains but I have never seen a specific for trains. Private transport is EXCLUDED from the rules. Airport taxis and official transfer services also excluded if under two hours. Remember, the pass-less can still take a 24 hour negative PCR or antigen test to show at airport check-in or at the bus station.
What makes even more sense is that the crowded micros, Metro, colectivos which are all public transport are not subject to the above rules.
Logic is exceedingly rare in these times.
Also, they need to be aware that if the alert levels change or the commie gov goes Shanghai or such, they can find themselves trapped in Chile like many visitors did two years ago.
Trapped in Chile or blessed in Chile…
¡VIVE CHILE MIERDA! to "EL PAGO DE CHILE" the land of extremes.
Is there any mechanism in Chile to recognize foreign COVID vaccinations for a new resident, and continue with the Chilean 4th ( and 5th?) doses?
New resident that has a valid carnet?
Then they should use the site as a resident and register all shots that way.
But maybe, just maybe the whole Pase wea will end if the Medical Alert is not extended after September 30. But with this government, I am beginning to have doubts.
No valid carnet yet, but it looks like there is a procedure to request recognition of foreign vaccines in the site. Thanks!
The “recognition of foreign vaccines”(vaccinations) on that page is a hit or miss proposition. People have reported that one or more flunkies at MINSAL have arbitrarily refused to recognise some foreign vaccinations in spite of proper documentation.
The discussion of the OP’s question was covered in another thread, effective as of 01 Oct 2022.
Se solicitará certificado de vacunación o PCR negativo máximo 48 horas previo al viaje
(para viajeros no residentes). Al ingreso al país se mantendrá un testeo
aleatorio solamente a residentes, pero se reducirá de un 10% a un 5% de los
Before our Air Canada flight in mid-September the check-in clerk asked if we had filled out a “special” form for entering Chile, something about vaccines. I said no and looked dumb. He was in a good mood so he did some investigating and said we could fill out the form upon arrival in Chile. After an 11 hour flight, I was half asleep when we arrived in Chile. I don’t think they asked for anything other than our ID so I showed our cedulas. They scanned them and let us through. I think it comes down to whether or not the person with the power to let you pass is in a good mood or not. I have found that often to be the case in Chile. Karma really keeps tabs on you here.
We just had visitors come from the US, and they were able to come in with just a saliva PCR. The only place they were asked to show it was the check-in counter for Delta airlines.
We can never be certain that airlines and/or workers at Pudahuel are actually following the latest MINSAL policies, but here is how MINREL is representing the rules via consular announcements, as of 07 October, which are essentially the same as were dated 01 October and summarised on these pages:
For nonresidents entering Chile, must present COVID vaccination document (in theory airport people can capriciously reject your document just as MINSAL has been rejecting or failing to accept foreign vaccinations via their YOMEVACUNO website process). If a visitor has no such vaccination record document, a pre-flight PCR test and document would be required.
Random nose-jab or other PCR tests on arrival at Pudahuel are still a possibility
The following are now said to be eliminated: Pase de Movilidad, pre-arrival declaration C19, health insurance covering minimum COVID costs.
Consular text:
Fecha de actualización: 07/10/2022
Se lleva a conocimiento que a partir del día 1° de octubre los requisitos de ingreso a Chile según su Plan de Fronteras Protegidas son:
- Vacunación: los extranjeros no residentes deben presentar el certificado de vacunación contra el Covid-19 emitido en su país. De no contar con éste, podrán presentar un PCR de no más de 48 horas de antigüedad.
- Se continúan realizando Test PCR aleatorios en el Aeropuerto Internacional Arturo Merino Benítez al arribar.
- Se eliminó el Pase de Movilidad y la homologación de vacunas.
- Se eliminó la Declaración Jurada C19.
- Se eliminó el requisito de presentar un seguro de salud para los no residentes. Sin embargo, se recomienda viajar con uno que incluya cobertura para COVID-19.