Law project to eliminate the Mobility Pass

If it was illegal, why haven’t the challenges in court succeeded, though? We’ve seen a number of court challenges being kicked out with the Supreme Court ruling that Minsal has the power to set the rules.

Exactly, many constitutions and bills and charters of rights were violated throughout the world because of this fabricated “crisis” and now there is no going back from this precedent (according to the conspiracy minded). Reset/2030 here we come.

I am really surprised they are doing it all at once like this, but I am sure not going to complain:

Eso sí la mascarilla seguirá siendo obligatoria en hospitales, aunque solo será recomendada para toda instancia de aglomeración, como el transporte y eventos.

“La mascarilla nos ha permitido más protección en las personas (…) es un cambio cultural que queremos que permanezca”, dijo la ministra.

El Minsal también dio a conocer que el Pase de Movilidad dejará de ser exigible, aunque no se descartó que vuelva a ser necesario.

“Ha sido una herramienta que nos ha permitido impulsar la vacunación, pero vamos a tener la posibilidad de volver a exigirlo dependiendo de cómo evolucione la situación epidemiológica”, comentó la ministra.

Sumado a todo lo anterior, Aguilera también anunció que se eliminan los aforos y que se promoverá la ventilación de espacios cerrados.

I’m waiting to see what this means for border crossing. Will they eliminate the PCR since there’s no need for validating a vaccine now?

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Time to plan a trip down south to research future living arrangements and to see other areas of Chile that I have longed to visit.

Still haven’t been outside the country in 4 years…

And kudos to the pure bloods. May the remnant of the control group never be eliminated and may medicine conventional, holistic and alternative find a way to detox the effects of the spike protein and the other unknowns from the experimental jabs.

For tourists, it looks like you will need to show jab certs or a 48 hour negative PCR to enter Chile.

The limited random testing on entry will supposedly only be for residents of Chile.

The health ministry can still quarantine you for 5 days (vs. 7 days previously) if one tests positive.

I think you are right. There was a mention on the news that “Chile Fronteras Protegidas” will continue in place.

Somebody pinch me…

Seriously? They did not scrap those requirements for tourists? LOL jokes

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Maybe I missed someone’s post. It’s unclear whether anyone has cited this government update on Pases and Mascarillas and such as a government release, as opposed to citing a media announcement which tend to be fraught with error.

If this government release (below) is correct and legitimate, one of the features is that as of 01 October 2022 the Pase would be no longer required, masks to be required only in healthcare facilities, along with many other measures to be discontinued, as was being discussed above based on the news story.

I assume that readers are capable of deciphering the government text in Chilensis.

Note that rather unsurprisingly, the “English” language button on the announcement page is as lost as Teniente Bello.


(Note that this is from the CL Ministry of Foreign Affairs rather than a media story).

Nuevas medidas sanitarias que comienzan a regir desde el 1 de octubre


- Se recomienda para personas con síntomas respiratorios, lugares de alta aglomeración, en visitas a centros de larga estadía y en los medios de transporte colectivos, públicos o privados.

  • Se mantiene su carácter obligatorio solo en establecimientos de salud.

Pase de movilidad:

  • Se descontinuará la exigencia.

Aforos y ventilación:

  • Se eliminan las limitaciones de aforo en espacios abiertos y cerrados.

  • Se promueve la ventilación, la vacunación y las medidas de autocuidado para mantener esta medida en el tiempo.

  • Se recomienda a lugares cerrados adaptar de forma gradual sus condiciones de ventilación a largo plazo para enfrentar de mejor manera los brotes de enfermedades respiratorias.


  • Chile se mantiene en su nivel de Alerta 1. No habrá restricción de viajes; el aislamiento se realizará acorde a la normativa sanitaria general para un caso confirmado.

  • Se solicitará certificado de vacunación (del país de origen) o un PCR negativo máximo 48 horas previo al viaje (para viajeros no residentes).

  • Al ingreso al país se mantendrá un testeo aleatorio solamente a residentes, pero se reducirá de un 10% a un 5% de los viajeros.

In a complementary notice from MINSAL for CL nationals (as opposed to visitors)


In order for a CL resident to enter Chile:

“… Sin restricción de viajes con destino a Chile … Se recomienda que se realicen un examen PCR, pero no es obligatorio. Adicionalmente, al momento de ingresar al país podría ser escogidos para un testeo aleatorio, ya sea PCR o test de antígenos”

Yes we are all finally living in normality that was already being lived in the rest of the world including many countries that Chile apes.

But the experimental jab push continues including the new one that was tested just on 8 mice.

Funny how all the hardcore we will round up and imprison perhaps kill the unjabbed or at last isolate them permanently from the rest of society have gone quiet for their verbal crimes against humanity which in some parts almost became a reality.

Exactly. That was my thought during these 2 years. No one was going to apologize, absolutely. Very sad.