In the latest CADEM encuesta we note that the approval of Comrade Boric has unsurprisingly sunk to 27 percent, while approval of Tohá (La Ministra Más Fea Jamás Vista) is down to 35 percent, the latter showing a recent decline of some 35 approval points while seeing an upsurge on la Escala de Fealdad. Tohá has been Boric’s Ministress of the Interior and Public Insecurity.
For those just tuning in to the circus in this Clown Country, the latest revuelo is attributed to the events surrounding the resignation of former Subsecretary of the Interior Manuel Monsalve, now accused of rape of a subordinate under characteristically sordid and confusing circumstances. The Fiscalía/Public Prosecutor’s Office is apparently investigating possible obstruction of the investigation by Monsalve since he reportedly had access to the security cameras at the scene.
And so we see once again further evidence of Chile as simply another corrupt, criminal, Third World Latin American backwater.
The CADEM results show approval declines elsewhere in the Boric circus. Ximena Aguilera (47%, -6 pts), Mario Marcel (47%, -8 pts), Luis Cordero (41%, -5 pts); Camila Vallejo (38%, -4 pts), and Jaime Pizarro… Sports Minister… WTF? A “sports” ministry? (approval 66%, down 12 pts). Seeing the Sports Ministry made me wonder what happened to the Bicycle Accessories Ministry, the National Low Calorie Dessert Institute, and the Office of the Undersecretary of Red Checkered Plastic Tablecloths.
This latest encuesta is the first time that Tohá has been rated as the least-approved of the ministers.
On the positive side, CADEM reports rather high approval of several institutions: Fire departments/bomberos at 96%, Registro Civil at 81%, and the Navy with 80%. Even Carabineros are down 4 points but still holding at 75 percent.
The court system sees just 27 percent approval points and the national congress gets a whopping 21 percent approval. In a civilized nation, such numbers would call for a restoration of the guillotine.
The category of “political parties” shows an approval of just 14%, considered by our reserve weekend correspondent Findes to be 36 points too high.
There is little hope for this country.