Boric government sinks still lower - no surprises

In the latest CADEM encuesta we note that the approval of Comrade Boric has unsurprisingly sunk to 27 percent, while approval of Tohá (La Ministra Más Fea Jamás Vista) is down to 35 percent, the latter showing a recent decline of some 35 approval points while seeing an upsurge on la Escala de Fealdad. Tohá has been Boric’s Ministress of the Interior and Public Insecurity.

For those just tuning in to the circus in this Clown Country, the latest revuelo is attributed to the events surrounding the resignation of former Subsecretary of the Interior Manuel Monsalve, now accused of rape of a subordinate under characteristically sordid and confusing circumstances. The Fiscalía/Public Prosecutor’s Office is apparently investigating possible obstruction of the investigation by Monsalve since he reportedly had access to the security cameras at the scene.

And so we see once again further evidence of Chile as simply another corrupt, criminal, Third World Latin American backwater.

The CADEM results show approval declines elsewhere in the Boric circus. Ximena Aguilera (47%, -6 pts), Mario Marcel (47%, -8 pts), Luis Cordero (41%, -5 pts); Camila Vallejo (38%, -4 pts), and Jaime Pizarro… Sports Minister… WTF? A “sports” ministry? (approval 66%, down 12 pts). Seeing the Sports Ministry made me wonder what happened to the Bicycle Accessories Ministry, the National Low Calorie Dessert Institute, and the Office of the Undersecretary of Red Checkered Plastic Tablecloths.

This latest encuesta is the first time that Tohá has been rated as the least-approved of the ministers.

On the positive side, CADEM reports rather high approval of several institutions: Fire departments/bomberos at 96%, Registro Civil at 81%, and the Navy with 80%. Even Carabineros are down 4 points but still holding at 75 percent.

The court system sees just 27 percent approval points and the national congress gets a whopping 21 percent approval. In a civilized nation, such numbers would call for a restoration of the guillotine.

The category of “political parties” shows an approval of just 14%, considered by our reserve weekend correspondent Findes to be 36 points too high.

There is little hope for this country.

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I agree, no surprises at all. Especially the when it comes to the approval of political parties. I was sure Boric and Tohá would also go down in the polls with the Monsalve disaster.

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In 2018, I remember many people eagerly expecting recently-elected Piñera to turn the country round after Bachelet’s disastrous reforms. We know now how that worked out.

If history repeats, next year we will probably see another right-wing president elected, and I suspect we will shortly afterwards see another estallido attempt involving the same parliamentary and governmental clowns as last time.

The almost weekly succession of scandals shows how rotten the present system is; posting comments on Bad News (and there’s no other kind round here) is fatiguing, which is why I have virtually stopped.

I have come to the same conclusion as Diego Portales did all those years ago when he opined that Chile wasn’t ready for a full Democracy. It still isn’t.

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Please don’t stop reporting on the Bad News. It is our solemn moral duty to warn the potential starry-eyed newbies of the sordid cesspool in which they really ought not consider investing.

As my probation officer used to say, " When everything is bad, it’s best to know what’s worst."

And speaking of what may be worsening, it seems that nobody in the Ministry of Insecurity can keep their pants on. Now there is a report that the testimony of the woman accusing Monsalve of rape has been …leaked. And the details are looking suspicious, since after having a couple of drinks with Monsalve, it seems she reports having no memory of anything until waking up bloodied in Monsalve’s hotel room. At this point there is speculation of her having been drugged. PDI has reportedly seized the hotel cameras and rounded up a number of possible witnesses.

Oh what a circus, oh what a show…

Findes, Thanks for giving us a comedic perspective on the slimy situation. Finding humor in the horror is essential for survival.

Feargle, I agree. Looking at the bigger picture, am thinking there is a global trend towards the right. rightfully so? The left is scary. It is not just Chile, the world is slipping into leftist insanity. In GB a man was arrested for praying for the soul of his aborted son, outside an abortion clinic.

What is surprising, gringalais, is the opinion polls seem relatively uncorrupted. In other countries stats are heavily manipulated in favor of those in power.

An uninspiring look at Chile’s near future, post-Boric.

I am certain that the day the Right returns to government, many of the conflicts that we experienced in 2011 and in 2019, are going to reactivated by sectors of Chilean society, particularly from the left but eventually from sectors of the center-left as well.

We may yet learn to appreciate the days of Pinochet’s government.

This year (after the caos of the past five years and anemic economy that started before), for the first time, more than 50% of the Chilean population now have a positive view of tata.

I hope the new experienced knowledge by the general public of the left’s role in 18O and in stoking nearly all disruptive and violent street or mass protests will mitigate future activity.

I hope that the general public have learned their lesson (the hard way is the best way) and will not allow the left to return for the next 30 years along with the coward establishment right who always runs up to support the left.

We must never underestimate the capacity of very large segments of the CL population to deliberately repeat obvious past mistakes. And at least a third of them will find ways to amplify their ongoing self-destructive errors. There is no real learning, and no real hope for this Clown Country.

You see this already with some idiots commenting that the Monsalve situation is some sort of right-wing plot to bring down the government - when he was the one that made the bad decisions.

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The father of the victim is an acquaintance and bonafide lefty comrade of Monsalve. And let us not mention that Monsalve traveled on the public dime (LATAM one way and a police plane back) to visit him and wife (parents of the victim) to try to squelch this from becoming public. The laws broken and people involved keep getting bigger and bigger.

I feel like we’re only getting started with this story!

I think that people within Chile are finally beginning to accept the reality of just how corrupt this country is, at so many levels. But much of the foreign media just can’t seem to understand or deal with this sort of thing, as if it is some sort of anomaly that can be dismissed so that they can keep whimpering over the 1973 coup.

La Tercera is among the many media outlets that have covered the sordid details of this episode:

Apparently Boric himself met with Monsalve (reportedly before the full details of the offense were known to Boric) and Boric sent him to talk to the parents to quiet the issue. No matter how you spin it, Boric has personally participated in the coverup attempt.

This just in.

The dirt on Monsalve just keeps piling up.

Translation of a piece in El Libero

The mysterious bigamy case against Monsalve that has been before the judiciary since 2003

According to the Chilean Judicial Branch website, a case against the former Undersecretary of the Interior, who is now being investigated for rape, was filed in 2003 by the then-councillor of Los Alamos, José Fernández, before the Juzgado de Letras y Garantias (Lebu, Biobío region). El Líbero [media outlet] consulted the plaintiff, who indicated that he has no recollection of having filed this action, although the judiciary confirms that the case is in the web portal in a reserved [unresolved] status.

[…] In the website for the judiciary ( ,for the Concepción Court of Appeals, El Líbero found another controversial case against Monsalve filed in November 2003. The subject? “Bigamy. Article. 382.”

[…] The judiciary confirmed to El Líbero what can be seen at their web page: that there is indeed a case for bigamy, but did not add any further details to clarify whether the crime that appears there is due to an error in the labeling of the case or whether there really was a case of bigamy.

Findes comment: all of that speaks volumes about the widely recognized ineptitude of the Chilean judiciary, as well as greater suspicion about defendant Monsalve and the Boric government in general . In that recent CADEM encuesta, the judiciary (Tribunales de Justicia) came away with the same low approval as Comrade Boric, with just 27%.

Meanwhile, the top " court" of the Chilean Socialist Party (the same fine folks who gave us Salvador Allende and legions of other destructive rubbish) has suspended the membership of Monsalve.

It seems as though there were two recent sexual abuse cases against Monsalve. And Comrade Boric’s spokesperson, sweet Camila, claims that their government was … unaware of it.

Same victim, two events. The first on 01 September ("abuso sexual por sorpresa ") and the second (violación/rape) 23-23 September.

In the same La Tercera piece, there is an account of Monsalve being informed of the search warrant, that all of his electronic devices were to be turned over. Including his cell phone. When asked if he had any other phones, Monsalve said no.

PDI found three phones belonging to Monsalve.

English language summary if anyone might be amused:

In the news. The increasingly sordid news: For the prosecution for obstruction of justice in the Monsalve case, Boric should also be included, and may yet be, but in the meantime, Tohá (Ministress of the Interior and Public Safety) and Monsalve are being indicted.

La Tercera: Presentan querella contra Tohá y Monsalve por obstrucción a la investigación e infracción a la Ley de Inteligencia (Lawsuit filed against Tohá and Monsalve for obstruction of investigation and infringement of the Intelligence Law)

Herewith a not terribly accurate translation of part of the piece, but you get the idea:

On Wednesday afternoon, attorney Nubia Vivanco filed a complaint against the Ministress of the Interior, Carolina Tohá, the former Undersecretary Manuel Monsalve, and all those responsible as perpetrators, accomplices, or accessories to the crimes of obstruction of the investigation and infringement of the Intelligence Law.

This results from the accusation of rape in a complaint filed on 14 October against the former socialist militant, and from later revelations that he may have acted to destroy or conceal some of the evidence.

All y’all can suffer through the local vernacular in the rest of the news piece.

Few remember today that when Boric was a candidate, a woman also accused him of sexual abuse and called him a ‘pig’ in a Twitter post. At that time, it was Irina Karamanos—his supposed girlfriend—who arranged for the woman to retract her statement. Are these accusations true? I believe that in many cases, they are personal vendettas fueled by laws and judges who automatically assume the accuser is right. I say this because none of these accusations were made immediately after the events, and they have always occurred in very strange circumstances. They could be abuses of laws pushed by radical feminism. As long as no clear evidence is presented, I distrust these accusations.

It’s evident that they tried to ‘fix’ the accusation just like they did in Boric’s case, but this time it didn’t work, and here we have the scandal. I hope the trial against Monsalve is fair, and if there’s a conviction, it’s based on clear evidence, not assumptions like Chilean judges have done in many cases. If there’s proof of rape, then convict him; if there isn’t, they can’t convict him. In that case, no one is safe, because we’re at the mercy of any foolish judge

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