The Right strikes back

Although the long-awaited battle to decide Chile’s future government hasn’t officially started yet, the centre-right is already warming up.

From today’s Tercera, a lengthy interview with José Antonio Kast, who, as well as getting in his usual digs at the Boric clown circus, agreed with a remark made by Milei’s economy minister, Luís Caputo, who said that Chile is being run by a virtual Communist who is intent on ruining the country:

En esa línea, señaló que a Boric “le falta militarse nomás” en el Partico Comunista. “Su ministra vocera es comunista, su ministra de Trabajo es comunista, su ministro de Educación es comunista”, argumentó.

And in another very recent interview on Nicole Rodríguez’ Youtube channel, Spanish economist Daniel Lacalle states that for the Left, the objective is State control, not Progress, something that has become increasingly obvious here over the last 3 years…this last well worth watching, although I suspect that these types of analyses go over the heads of most Chilean voters.

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The Frente Amplio has turned out to be a huge fiasco; no one imagined they could be so incapable and corrupt, but it has been fortunate that they came to power so everyone could realize what kind of people they are. I am very optimistic about the economic and political future. Voters’ opinions are changing, and while we may not see it in the next government, it will most likely happen by 2029. These changes take time.

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Tomas, I don’t think that Chile can withstand another four years of the kind of appalling mismanagement we have seen with this lot, and the fact that Bachelet (ugh!) was considered as a possible candidate shows that the Chilean electorate has a very short memory…who knows what will happen. :worried:

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