OK - I will take your word for it.
Nonetheless, tomorrow they will publish their definite project for government. We should then be able to see what the thoughts are moving forward. But as mentioned, certainly a major change of direction on this topic, just as on a lot of others. On the 19th we will see if this manouvering has been successful or if he instead has lost his initial base of voters.
Per the Mega interview, jab will remain voluntary but they will continue to encourage people to get the jab. No word about Pase but with Daza, we are certainly still en cacalandia.
Of course, with Bor-idiot running away from all interviews and leaving everything to one final face to face debate, will you sit out the vote over this issue and allow the next probable health minister under B who promoted the short circuit plan to decide whether the jab will remain voluntary?
Just remember the legislature walkout of democrats in Weimar Germany and the acquiesce of the Christian Democrat legislature to A in the 1970 Chile election and their results.
Released today, but nothing in Kast’s program regarding the virus, the measures against it, the Pase de Movilidad, vac, etc…
“We asked, why the health passport? What is that leash that they want to put on the Brazilian people? Where is our freedom? I would rather die than lose my freedom”
~ Bolsonaro
{ www. france24. com/en/live-news/20211207-brazil-rules-out-vaccine-requirement-for-travelers }
Was pretty clear in the Anatel debate that Kast will abide by Dr. Daza’s opinion.
Only thing he would confirm was that the vaccine would not become mandatory, but pase de movilidad etc will all stay. Kast himself is certainly not antivaccine in the least.