POLL: How will you vote December 17, 2023?

Our plan was to go around then, but we woke up late. Last time, we both voted in downtown at nearby schools, so we parked in one of the paid lots, walked to my voting location and then to his. This time they switched my husband to where he used to vote, which is kind of inconvenient to get to. Even worse, they had put cement posts where people used to park. So, people had to park illegally on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. I waited for him in the car. Everyone arriving seemed pretty annoyed by the situation. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be any public transit to that area apart from a few colectivos.

My place is this really large school and it was kind of disorganized. It took a while just to find my table. I got the curious poll workers this time. There were three men and one woman. One of the men wanted to ask how to pronounce my last name but was to embarrassed to ask. So the woman started teasing him about how he was trying to pronounce my name while I was in the voting booth because he didn’t want to ask me. She then asked me how to pronounce it. So, I told them, don’t worry, I know my name is unusual, and I don’t mind answering questions about it. And, we all got a laugh.

It’s weird, some times voting, no one says anything. Other times I get a lot of attention and questions from the poll workers.

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I also had a chat with the poll worker over how to pronounce my last name.

Very easygoing, relaxed and organized process at my locale.

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A su vez, el analista político Kenneth Bunker, también comentó a Bloomberg que "para cualquiera que piense que la estabilidad y las garantías del país van a regresar, no creo que esto vaya a suceder".

The Boric shit show, encouraged by that stupid result, will go on…

The forecast of declining stability and its evident reality are not falling on deaf ears. One of my financial advisors has recommended reducing exposure within Chile. When I tried to close out one such account, the matter went all the way to the head officer, a good woman who has always been helpful in the past. She tried politely to sell me on alternatives. We then had a nice little talk about the growing tendency known as fuga de capitales. Capital flight. It takes a real professional to act as if it were not happening. And some institutions are now trying to make it more expensive to quit.