Political Irresponsibility, commie style

This communist deputy maintained that one of the difficulties in advancing the Government’s programs is that there has been “less force” in social mobilizations.

What this actually means is that he wants to coerce parliament into going along with the government’s program by a revival of the 2019 riots.

I cannot understand why Chile is so tolerant of these types of declarations. After all, these people swear to uphold the constitution when elected, and this statement by a member of parliament is openly inciting public disorder.

Agustín Romero, parlamentario del Partido Republicano, dijo que "el diputado Cuello solo ratifica lo que los chilenos ya sabemos: el Partido Comunista está dispuesto a todo por alcanzar y mantenerse en el poder, incluyendo nunca renunciar a la violencia y la presión social ilegíma como método de acción política. ".

además de llamar al Gobierno a “convocar a la presión de la ciudadanía para sacar adelante las reformas”, **el senador Daniel Núñez (PC) emplazó al Ejecutivo a “ver qué cosas puede hacer por decretos, que no conlleven proyectos de ley”.*

Here’s another one:
Faced with serious opposition to the government’s plans, here’s a commie Senator calling for “public pressure” ie riots to intimidate parliament as in October 2019.

He also called on Boric to bypass parliament by governing by Presidential Decree, in the same way that Allende did in the face of a hostile parliament…

Shades of 1970…

Llamado del Senador Núñez (PC)