Going on vacation and will be returning shortly. I am confused on the reentry policy for residents (me) [non citizen].
Entry and Exit Information:
Are there COVID-related entry requirements for U.S. citizens? No
Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? No
Then later…
Chilean travel restrictions have been lifted. On October 1st, the requirements to enter Chile were updated. Now, at the time of embarking to Chile, the person must comply with the following:
Unvaccinated travelers must present a negative PCR test taken within a maximum of 48 hours at their last point of departure prior to their arrival in Chile.
Sooooo I do, or do NOT need a PCR to get back into Chile? It is literally saying both yes, and no.
Se mantienen medidas de control asociadas a nivel de Alerta 1, esto significa:
No existirá restriccionesde viajes. Certificado de vacunación o PCR negativo máximo 48hrs. previo al viaje (para viajeros NO residentes). Se testeará al azar solo a personas chilenas que vuelvan del extranjero.
"No, no es obligatorio para ingresar, pero sí es una recomendación. No obstante lo anterior, en los puntos de acceso al país, se realizan exámenes de detección de COVID-19 de manera aleatorio. "
I guess I am good to go without one as a resident…
I went through the airport Monday. They were definitely not doing PCR’s for 5%. Perhaps 0.5%, but even that I think is too high. Everybody just walked straight through… no document checks.