Chilean art of theft

hope you had a nice lunch i think i know the one you mean. on your left as you go towards Isla de Maipo, strung out along the train line? i have cycled past it. it wasn’t there 3 or 5 years ago, but it wasn´t new this summer either.

there has also been a lot in the underpass of some major roads in the area of Camino Melipilla - Pajaritos near centre of Maipu. they are just living in the underpass of the flyover-junction there. before it was basically a wasteland, nothing there.

i have seen some others from the Ruta 78.

i think they should rip them all down and throw them all out and prpsecute them. you can´t reward this kind of thing, you have got to reward hard work and be fair.

i suspect many of them are immigrants (guessing) coming from difficult situations in haiti and venezuela and this is the only way they can afford to live in their own house without sharing. haiti is a mess at the moment. i saw on the news that the last government senators resigned. there is no central government left in haiti.

Hmm, interesting. It may be the one you are talking about. Last time we took that road must have been early 2022. We really did not remember it having been there. I guess it is still pretty new, though.

We went to the restaurant at Terra Mater because it was my birthday. The food and drink were good. At first we were all alone, but it really filled up quickly soon after we arrived. I wouldn’t have expected so many people at lunchtime on Monday in summer. The terrace was nice with lots of shade, trees and plenty of fans.

Yeah, those places should really be torn down, but then how do you solve the problem of where all those people will go? I have been following the news on Haiti too; what an absolute disaster. No government and gangs are running the place.

It’s interesting that we had quite a few Haitians in town. Then they sort of cleared out to the point it was noticeable. Not long after we noticed this, many Haitians started to show up at the US-Mexico border. Some have trickled back here, I guess they are the ones that managed to avoid getting deported to Port Au Prince. There is this farm that we pass by near our house that has a house and a smaller cottage. The people living in the cottage appear to be Haitian and probably work on the farm. They are often sitting out in their porch not far from the road. I’m guessing they are probably glad they stayed here and didn’t end up deported to Haiti when trying to get into the US. A farm in Chile probably feels like paradise when compared to Haiti right now.

I wonder if American and European governments should get together and make an agreement to take over Haiti (with the people of Haiti being surveyed and ideally voting on the plan) temporarily to fights the gangs, restore order, and get the government back up and running.

Another similar one:

Not even schools are spared these days. It sounds similar to what was happening at my husband’s office.

And, now another office of my husband’s agency, the one in San Miguel, has been robbed. They must have brought a big truck because they cleaned the place out.

We nearly had an encounter with an armed robbery yesterday. We went to this gourmet market in Linderos yesterday that we had visited a few times before. We could see from outside that guy that usually is running the place was at the cash register, so we opened the door to go in. He was white as a sheet. He told us that they were closed, so we left. As we were walking to the car, Carabineros showed up. They’re only two blocks away, so it appears they arrived pretty quickly. Another guy who wanted to go into the market had showed up and one of the officers told him that the market had just been robbed, so he couldn’t go in. They sell a lot of high end wine and liquor. I’m guessing that was what the robbers were after.

We had come from the supermarket. I had let an older guy who’s always there collecting shopping carts and watching cars in the parking lot go ahead of me in line. I’m glad I did. If not, we might have been in the market when the robbery happened.

Linderos is a sleepy little area. It was kind of surprising.


Glad you both are OK, the universe sometimes has a way of acting like a guardian angel.


Thanks. We sure are too. Definitely a close call.


Wow lucky. Happy to hear yall made it out.


The failure of a desalination plant is causing a water crisis in Antofagasta, Temporary water tanks had been installed as an emergency measure.

But eleven of them have been stolen so far…they will take anything here. The small 1000 litre ones will easily fit in the back of a pickup truck.

It was bound to happen eventually!

Thieves don’t even respect the dead. But after all, they don’t care.

This Argentinean YouTuber visiting Santiago went looking for the 0Km marker in the Plaza de Armas, the point from which road distances throughout Chile are measured.

Only to find that it had been stolen.

Ugh, things hit quite close to home. We just got an email from the HOA administration that a neighbor was victim of a portonazo. I don’t have more details, but there’s going to be a meeting to discuss security. My husband hasn’t seen the email and I haven’t told him yet. He’s a bit late in checking those messages. He’s going to freak out, I am sure.

And, I’m sure the government’s gaslighting will continue, insecurity is just an “perception”.

What is a portonazo? Translate says “slam”

It’s a sort of carjacking when you’re waiting for a security gate to open and armed guys come up and make you get out of the car. As opposed to an encerrona where several vehicles surround you and make you get out.

I’m not sure how it happened. We have security/cameras and we’re kind of remote, so you’d think the security guards would have noticed people loitering around the entrance.

This Portonazo failed because they picked the wrong gal…from 2020.

There seem to be a lot of cases like that.