2022+ Cabinet Ministers

The incoming Cabinet ministers have been announced this morning.

Position Name Party
Interior Izkia Siches Independiente
Defensa Maya Fernandez Socialista
Hacienda Mario Marcel Independiente
Secreteria General de Presidencia Giorgio Jackson Revolucion Democratica
Secretaria General de Gobierno Camilla Vallejo Comunista
Economia Nicolas Grau Convergencia Social
Educacion Marco Avila Revolucion Democratica
Mujer y Equidad de Género: Antonia Orellana Convergencia Social
Salud: María Begoña Yarza Independiente
Hacienda: (Finance) Mario Marcel Independiente
Energía: Carlos Huepe Convergencia Social
Transporte y Telecomunicaciones: Juan Carlos Muñoz Independiente
Medio Ambiente: Maisa Rojas Independiente
Desarrollo Social y Familia: Jeanette Vega Independiente
Trabajo y Previsión Social: Jeannette Jara Comunista
Justicia y Derechos Humanos: Marcela Ríos Convergencia Social
Obras Públicas: Juan Carlos García Partido Liberal
Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio: Juliea Brodsky Convergencia Social
Vivienda y Urbanismo: Carlos Montes Partido Socialista
Bienes Nacionales: Javiera Toro Comunes
Deporte: Alexandra Benado Independiente
Ciencia, Tecnología, Conocimiento e Innovación: Flavio Salazar Comunista
Minería: Marcela Hernando Partido Radical
Agricultura: Esteban Valenzuela FRSV

Some initial thoughts:

So firstly good to see only 3 out of 24 ministers being communist, arguably none of them being the most important or powerful roles, none on economy or foreign affairs as I hoped for and predicted. Communist scare was overblown as usual. I personally have always wondered if Boric made the alliance with the communists, and the primary with Jadue, not because he really leans in that direction these days, but as a smart, strategic move since before that primary he wasn’t enough of a political heavyweight, and didn’t have enough support and popularity to win without doing this.

Secondly, at a first glance, all the three key climate relevant posts look promising. Carlos Huepe (Energy) has proposed decarbonization by 2025, Juan Carlos Muñoz (transport) has said he doesn’t use a car Monday-Friday and said we need to rethink cities. Maisa Rojas (environment) is a climate science who contributed to the last IPCC report.

Thirdly, 14 of 24 posts are women.

Fourthly, the appointment of Mario Marcel as the finance minister is being said to be calming markets and it is being reported that he will keep an eye on the spending levels. We shall see.

Fifthly, the cancel culture twitter people are after Alexandra Benado (deporte) for alleged bad behaviour in previous roles.

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I just hope that the typical Chilean idiosyncrasy doesn’t get in the way of true progress. It might be wishful thinking

Is anyone else sort of starting to feel bad for Mario Marcel? He seems to look worse and more constipated every day. I guess being the adult in the room is stressful. I wonder how much longer he will be around.