The concept of Sandwich, versus Chile

One of the characteristics of a civilized nation is a widespread understanding of the nature of a lowly and simple sandwich, with the content prepared between pieces of bread or the like, whether toasted or otherwise, for the purpose of picking up the assembly with just the fingers.

But… so it is on this eve of the year of our Loro 2025 that these Neanderthals still have not grasped the idea, brought to these shores in the now-distant 19th century by our British brethren.

After all these years, for crissake, for offerings like tuna sandwiches., croissants, hamburgers, and heaven knows what else, the natives are still bringing knives and forks with the constructive knowledge that these foodstuffs must be cut up for consumption, and not lifted como los dioses mandan with the fingers.

Why why why? What is it going to take – to bring these primitive people up to a 19th-century level of culture and civilized behavior?

During last night’s New Year’s cena, in a reversion to Neanderthal habits, I spent some time tearing apart hunks of Cordero Asado with my bare hands, and devouring them in a decidedly un-genteel way.

My wife’s non-cuico family, were all uninhibitedly doing the same thing. Really, its the only way to tackle this imho over-rated dish.

And a happy New Year to all!

Yes, cordero o lo que sea at an asado is pretty informal and greasy about the fingers.

A sort of fun discussion (en chilensis) on the matter of how to eat a burger