New words for today - Verborrea, Cantinfleo

Verborrea genteelly translates as “verbiage”. But as practiced here, verbal diarrea comes closer to the mark. Making lengthy meaningless declarations seems to be a tactic used to avoid giving straight answers, Boric is a master of this form of public speaking.

Cantinfleo is another word used to describe this increasingly common habit. More on that here.

The following is a classic, and shows the arrogance and lack of respect towards an audience that this form of speech implies.

Regarding Myra Schindler’s behaviour in this “interview”, which turned into a feminist monologue, Desubicad(a) is another common Chilean phase used that comes to mind here…but that’s for another day.

I was reminded of this post by Irina today. She’s the queen of verborrea!

The arrogance of these self-important POSs in thinking that they can inflict this sort of bs on listeners is what gets me. Even the most shameless anglophone activist wouldn’t dare come out with this stuff.

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The worst thing is, I’m sure she thinks she comes off as smart. That’s what she’s going for at least. It gives me vergüenza ajena. More and more she reminds me of Meghan Markle. There are so many similarities.

Kenneth was also interviewed in Spain in El País. I guess no media here wants to interview these clowns. Of course, he’s playing the victim too, while at the same time essentially admitting he can’t live without being a parasite of the state!