This government denies that problems exist by ignoring them. If that doesn’t work, attempts are made to rubbish the complainers.
That’s easy enough when a member of the ultraderecha, ie anyone who disagrees with them, bitches, but it’s harder when the dissident comes from “their” side.
Here’s Socialist Senator Fidel Espinoza echoing the same dissatisfaction shared by nearly everyone else in Chile; namely the government’s notorious lack of interest in tackling the country’s real problems.
“…ha mirado para el techo” ante las recriminaciones a la ex Concertación, por parte de integrantes de Apruebo Dignidad, y por el “ninguneo” de algunos ministros que -según afirma- ni siquiera atienden los llamados de los parlamentarios para solucionar los problemas de la gente en sus territorios…