Gabriel Boric tests positive for covid-19

Let’s see how the other candidates react. They were expecting the results by 18:00. As they are direct contacts. So the results have been published.

This smells. And I’m certainly not the only one who senses this.

So all the candidates must now go into quarantine? Thrashing all the face-to-face debates for the next week or so?

Why did his result take soooo long to be reported when everyone else did theirs quickly?

I bet there’s a whistleblower or two out there that can permanently crash the Boric-PC-FA campaign…

Me parece sospechosa esta huevá

Maybe they are trying to isolate him from the media to stop him continuing to make an ass of himself.


Boric tenía previsto ponerse la tercera dosis de la vacuna contra el covid-19 esta semana.

Does anyone know what the status is with the debate tomorrow morning at 8am?

Obviously there will NOT be in in person debate, but it could be moved to a zoom call type debate,or maybe it already was one of those.

If they are moving in, let me know if anyone has seen the new date.

Sorry, none of that makes sense. Boric has been attending lots of debates, the last one I saw only Kast didn’t turn up.

There have already been way more debates than candidates in UK, US elections ever do. How many debates do you need?

It’d be a bizarre decision to fake an illness just to try and reduce the number of debates down by one or two.

The T13 debate goes ahead without Boric
Live youtube:

Kast fails to turn up to another debate