Hi everyone. If anyone is finding any of this useful, please reply and let me know.
I am trying to post info that seems relevant to you all but I am conscious of the fact that I am posting a lot of long posts, so, depending on what people reply, I may try to post less in the coming days so we can hear more of a balance of others viewpoints.
I think that any journalist who wants to understand the rise of Kast needs to get a car, and take a road trip from Santiago to Puerto Montt (with their first stop to talk to people coming at about 2 hours south). Because if you look here
you will see that this is Kast country. he won Maule, Ñuble, Bio Bio, Araucania, Los Rios y Los Lagos by margins of 10 points or more! If he becomes President, it will be because of people that live in these regions.
I’m also curious whether he is winning based on the rural vote. If you look at the results for the comunas of Talca, Chillan, Concepion, Temuco you will see that Kast does win all those southern cities as well, but by lower margins than the whole region (in many cases he won cities by 5 points less than he won the whole region). So likely he does have particular strong support in southern rural areas, but he also owns the south in general.
Valdivia is the only southern city I saw that voted slightly more for Boric, and I checked most major cities in the south.
Los Lagos is the only region where Kast does equally well in cities as for the whole region. Both Puerto Montt and Osorno saw him get virtually identical scores to that region as a whole.
It would be interesting to see a breakdown on Boric-Kast voters by salary earned, I suspect it would be fairly even, but who knows.
To add: Senate and Diputados not changed much - Senate is still evenly balanced between left and right, while lower chamber still leans left.
Left (that means Apruebo Dignidad and Nuevo Pacto Social and Partido Humanista and Partido Ecologista) have 79 of lower chamber, while right (Chile Podemos Mas and Frente Social Cristiano) have 68.
I’m saying Partido de la Gente is centre, so excluded from these counts, but if you include them as right that is more like 79-74.