"Chile requiere mas gobierno", said Bachelet

And it continues:

Gobierno ha pedido aumento de sueldo sobre el tope para 114 asesores

Among the recipients:

The president himself and 13 ministers. (Rewarding themselves for doing such a great job?)

An audiovisual advisor and an events organizer with only high school diplomas - over 3 million pesos.

An egresado de derecho (someone who studied law but who did not pass their exam, just like our presi) - 4.9 million pesos as a advanced coordination and production advisor (whatever that is).

An old buddy of Boric’s from Punta Arenas - 4.8 million pesos working on the second floor of La Moneda.

I’ll stop now, but the list goes on. You can see more examples in the article. :roll_eyes:

Irina Karamanos vuelve a su vida de militante de base y su gabinete aterriza en el equipo del Presidente

Some of Irina’s former advisors had a soft landing now that they are no longer working for her:

Los contratos de las integrantes de la CoordinaciĂłn Sociocultural terminaron el 31 de diciembre de 2022, segĂșn informan en La Moneda. Como el equipo de Karamanos dependĂ­a de la Presidencia de la RepĂșblica, tres de sus colaboradoras se mantuvieron en sus equipos considerando “el criterio de formaciĂłn profesional y experiencia de cada una”, explican en el gobierno.

La cientista política Javiera Pizarro, asesora de la Coordinación, se sumó al equipo de seguimiento de compromisos presidenciales del Segundo Piso, que encabeza Leonardo Moreno. Mientras que Beatriz Roque (cientista política), también exasesora de Karamanos, llegó al equipo de Miguel Crispi, en el årea de contenidos.

Just repeating a possibly malicious rumor, but there’s talk on the street about that relationship. Still, there’s plenty of government cash available to keep her quiet, if it’s true.

Yeah. I have heard speculation about that too. Maybe her contract to be Boric’s girlfriend ended on December 31st.

I find Irina very strange in general. My theory is that as much as she protested she didn’t want to be first lady, I think she wanted it to move into elected office herself. Sort of a Hilary Clinton move. But, to keep her feminist credentials, she couldn’t actually say that. She had to act like she didn’t really want the role and talk about reforming it. When she realized she wasn’t exactly popular and it wasn’t helping her political chances, she quit

I also think it is weird that her past is so vague. Sometimes she’s referred to as an anthropologist, sometimes a political scientist. Supposedly she studied at the University of Heidelberg, but when, what degree(s) did she receive, if any? It’s like no one has seen her resume. In the article below, she talks about returning to education research. There seems to be no other mention of her working in this area. One article I saw said she worked for women’s foundations. Again, there is no information about what they were or when. The only concrete thing I can find she did is work for Boric’s party and now she’s going back to that.

Todo lo que haga quedarĂĄ segundo

Yeah, just like this one
this so-called “government” seems to be full of them.

“Nos dijo que retomará su vida anterior”. Es decir, las asesorías específicas y la academia.

They are a bit like flies, investigating their modes of sustenance can lead to disagreeable surprises.

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Well, I think I have figured out what Irina is doing these days. Someone that looks exactly like her was working at our local Tottus on Saturday!


Well, this is what Irina is up to now. I hope taxpayers aren’t financing this trip.

And, ironically, she would have never been invited to this event if she hadn’t been “first lady”. Didn’t she want to be recognized on her own merits?

I value your input Frank Pintor so please continue to share your opinion. We need different voices here and not an echo chambre. However, Chile has changed a lot in the last 3 years. I was never afraid of arriving at the bus terminal and taking a taxi or bus to the airport. Now I am.

“Cuñado” de ministro Jackson renuncia al MOP

And, yet, another one.

Entre 2008 y 2021 se duplicĂł el nĂșmero de funcionarios pĂșblicos civiles: pasaron de 187 mil a 378 mil.

The quality of state services seems to be inversely proportional to the number of employees. They now reject being called “Public Servants” because they don’t see that as their role

Yes, they are to be called “funcionarios.”

Though I believe the proper and more accurate term would be “dis-funcionarios pĂșblicos.”

Of all the public whatevers I have known in all the countries in my past, I have never encountered such abysmal lack of service and utility as are to be seen in Chile. In fact this has become one of the reasons (of so many reasons) that I now discourage people from even considering coming here.

Re this fresh scandal, we are witnessing the birth of of a Chilean nomenklatura and the recruitment of apparatchiks. The same process is going on throughout Chile.

No obstante, segĂșn relevĂł Timeline, Andrade y Contreras no serĂ­an los Ășnicos cercanos a la diputada que lograron instalarse en el aparato estatal.

Se trata de Gustavo Riveros, seremi de Medio Ambiente; MarĂ­a Gloria Lazcano, que integra el Consejo de la Sociedad Civil del Gore; asĂ­ como Marcela Astudillo, directora de la DirecciĂłn de Aguas del Ministerio de Obras PĂșblicas.

A ellos se suman IvĂĄn Ávila, excandidato a senador y hoy periodista de la DelegaciĂłn Regional; Cindy GĂłmez, excandidata a concejal, actualmente funcionaria de la Seremi de Desarrollo Social, y Liliana GonzĂĄlez, excandidata en la Ășltima elecciĂłn a consejera constituyente, que trabaja en la Conadi.

Así también, serían parte de este círculo de amigos, la consejera regional, Paula Orellana, y la concejal de Antofagasta, Paz Fuica.

All good pals, all leaching off the state.

I used to be disgusted, now I’m not even amused.
Miguel on Twitter

Not surprisingly, the approval of this Boric shit-show is at about 28 percent, according to published polls. And people are finally starting to understand the nature of the corruption and malfeasance in this government.



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Lo que RD ha ido construyendo con el tiempo, se parece mĂĄs bien a una RevoluciĂłn CleptocrĂĄtica: un sistema de gobierno en el cual un grupo de personas poderosas utiliza su posiciĂłn polĂ­tica para obtener beneficios personales a travĂ©s de la apropiaciĂłn indebida de recursos pĂșblicos y corrupciĂłn.

Boric’s approval rating will never fall below the 20-odd percent represented by government and NGO beneficiaries of this “generosity”, all of whom are acutely aware on which side their bread is buttered.

I wonder if Kenneth (Giorgio) is going to be able to escape from this one. He’s been bulletproof as Boric’s bestie. It’s always the women that seem to take the fall in this “feminist” government. But, RD is Kenneth’s party.

Haha, well, if it was a contract for Irina to be his beard, it’s apparently over, according to the latest reports.

Or, she got her TED Talk money and decided to bail:

I still don’t get why anyone thinks she has something important to say.

Still going on about being first lady, as if anyone wanted her in the role to begin with. She sure didn’t seem to mind it when she was traveling around on our dime.

And now she has a new job, apparently. Yeah, it’s La Cuarta because the article they cite is behind a paywall. My husband likes to read it ironically :rofl:!


Asimismo, se dio a conocer que la cientista estå escribiendo un libro, desarrolla investigaciones académicas y hasta piensa en abrir una sastrería-café.

Sin embargo, el pasado lunes, La Segunda confirmó que Karamanos encontró nuevo pega tras ganar la convocatoria de Convergencia Social para ocupar el cargo de “coordinadora general para el fortalecimiento de la participación política de las mujeres” en su partido.

El llamado a postular se abrió el 31 de octubre y cerró el 2 de noviembre. “El sueldo es de $1,4 millones mensuales brutos por jornada completa y presencial en la Región Metropolitana, y una duración de tres meses. O sea, la remuneración por el período completo es de $4,2 millones brutos”, se detalló en la publicación.

$1.4 million seems quite low, but I guess because it’s a party, not government, position. Interesting that the application period lasted only two days. I’m guessing she was the only candidate.

In another Cuarta article, she said:

“Pienso que existe la idea demasiado forzada de la pareja como complemento binario. Yo creo que nos complementamos mejor siendo ambos toda la gama de gĂ©neros incluyendo ser femeninos y masculinos, a la vez”, planteĂł.

So Boric’s a bit of a woman and Irina’s a bit of a man. How progressive of them.

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That assumes that there are enough honest people left here to be scandalized. Or that haven’t been desensitized yet by constant exposure to this unremitting flood of criminality and corruption.

Yeah, that was definitely a weird one. It’s like she’s ticking off boxes to show that she’s so progressive.

Honestly, if these privileged, supposed feminists really cared about women beyond their own noses, they should be helping women that never had the advantages they did, but they don’t. For example, women whose exes don’t pay child support, victims of domestic violence. My husband’s work has had him shift from civil to family law, so I’ve gained some awareness about these issues since he works from home most of the week.