This post was prompted by Tomas Bradanovic, who writes:
Y ya que estamos en eso, la épica de nosotros los derechistas dice que en 1973 hubo un clamor nacional para que los militares dieran el golpe pero no fue así, la llegada de los militares fue porque simplemente vieron amenazadas algunas instituciones fundamentales de la República. No actuaron en respuesta a ningún clamor popular, porque también había bastante gente que -todavía- apoyaba a Allende en esos años.
To expand on that statement:
Many older Chileans, traumatized by the left-wing assault on every aspect of life here, wish that the Military would suspend Congress and take control of the country, as they did in 1973.
While they may believe that the military intervention was undertaken to save the country from Marxism, here’s my alternative explanation.
Allende had already made his accommodations with the military, and his cabinet included sympathetic figures such as General Bachelet and the Army CinC, General Carlos Prats. Although Prats suddenly stepped down in June 73, he was replaced by Augusto Pinochet, considered by Allende to be a safe choice.
A catalysing incident occurred in August 73, when Socialist Senator Carlos Altamirano boarded naval warships anchored in Valparaiso.
either to:
Investigate alleged “sedition” against the Allende government
To incite a mutiny against the Officer Class, according to which version is preferred.
Durante su mandato presidencial, los máximos representantes del PS, del Mapu.OC y del MIR se involucraron en la “sublevación de la marinería”. El fin de semana del 4 y 5 de agosto de 1973, en el crucero Almirante Latorre y el crucero Blanco Encalada una cincuentena de suboficiales y marineros leales al Gobierno
preparaba una sublevación, el supuesto plan Alba, contra los oficiales golpistas.
La acción fue sofocada por los organismos de inteligencia naval y el 7 de agosto la Armada informó públicamente el movimiento subversivo. Entre los instigadores de la sedición se citaron el diputado del Mapu-OC, Oscar Guillermo Garretón; el secretario general del PS, Carlos Altamirano y el jefe del MIR, Miguel Enríquez.
This event occurring so close to home seriously alarmed the Naval high command, which had already decided to commit to a countercoup. Given the incendiary nature of extremist left-wing sentiment, impatient with Allende’s softly-softly approach to a Marxist takeover, and who were openly advocating a proletarian dictatorship, a conflict was seen as inevitable by that stage, with rumours of armed interventions sweeping the country.
"Así, el 11 de agosto de 1973, Luis Corvalán ante una multitud de militantes enardecidos declara: «Si la sedición reaccionaria pasa a mayores, concretamente al campo de la lucha armada, que a nadie le quepa dudas que el pueblo se levantará como un solo hombre para aplastarla con prontitud…"
In preparation, Admiral Jose Toribio Merino secretly contacted Pinochet, who until then had remained neutral. Pinochet and the Army decided to throw in their lot with the Navy in preference to Marxism, and the rest is history.
The alternative could have been a bloody civil war involving the Army, Navy and armed extremists in the Cordones Industriales. Curiously enough, one of the reasons given for the passivity of the latter group was that, despite their fiery rhetoric, they expected that the Army would remain loyal to Allende, and would quash the coup attempt without their assistance.
The military coup was successful only due to the conjunction of several events. The other possible outcome could have meant Civil War and the eventual imposition of a Cuban-style dictatorship. The Civil War of 1891, when the Army and Navy fought each other, resulted in more than 10,000 deaths.
My point in all the previous is that the Navy only reacted when their own command structure was threatened, not from any particular desire to save the country, which by then was in dire straits. So don’t hold your breath waiting for them to intervene again.
Nobody mentions the obnoxious Carlos Altamirano these days, who, while in exile, even the Russians found unpalatable. By “Jumping the gun”, he royally fucked up the Commies’ own revolutionary plans.
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