Curauma is the name of a locality in our (Valparaíso) commune, it is located at about kilometer 95 of the ruta 68. The really huge (formerly) forest area, that featured tens of kilometers of natural trails. For me it was indeed a great place to hike.
It is being developed in a really smart way, where firstly a several hectare lot is cleaned of the forest, then a condo is built, and next these new “homes located on the edge of the forest” are sold…
Casas bosque real curauma, propiedades bosques curauma, condominio bosque de curauma…
And as sold out, immediately, the next adjacent lot is cleaned of the forest (on the edge of which the earlier homes were located), and so on, again and again, yet the next condo “homes located on the edge of the forest” are advertised for sale.
Of course, this sort of thing is going worldwide and not only here, but it is especially painful to see when the very last local piece of land where one can (could) walk and breath relatively freely is going to… where we are all going to go, sooner or later.