As usual in Chile, and elsewhere, what isn’t mentioned is sometimes more significant than what’s said.
Sergio Micco, recently ousted as Director of the INDH, has
finally related his experiences since the onset of so-called estallido social".
His statements have been met with deafening silence from the actors involved, which tends to show that the INDH acted impartially, and for doing so was equally disliked by both sides in this attempt to overthrow the government, which only later morphed into demands for a new Constitution.
Both Micco personally and the INDH were severely pressured to accuse the government of systematic HR violations. Had they given in, this would have provoked international condemnation of the Chilean government, and would have helped legitimize attempts to overthrow it.
The Lefties still insist that the hapless Piñera be brought before international justice, though, even though the ICJ has already stated that there is no case to answer.
Many public figures, motivated by the simple desire to attack and bring down the government, made frequent and sweeping false allegations of systematic HR violations, propaganda repeated ad infinitum in street chants and graffiti and on banners like this one.
Although individual cases of abuse were detected, (hardly surprising given the levels of provocation to which the police were subjected), the INDH did not uncover any evidence of the institutional use of violence or torture, and refused to countenance the designation of criminals apprehended during the rioting as “political prisoners”
Here’s ex presidential candidate Marcel Claude in full rant during the estallido, openly inciting insurrection:
The Internet has a longer memory than the Commies, who are already denying that the violence even happened.
And here’s something else to refresh the collective memory:
And an extensive documentary on a notorious montaje:
Tanto la prensa, las instituciones de derechos humanos y los manifestantes atacaron sistemáticamente la imagen de la institución sin saber el vuelco que daría la historia… pero sí sabiendo el objetivo… desestabilizar a Carabineros.