Music - a lighter topic

I understand a lot of the gloom and doom over what is happening in this country, but I thought it might lighten the mood to discuss how living here has influenced musical tastes. I will start have come to love Argentine rock such as Charly García, Fito Paéz, and Fabiana Cantila. La Ley, of course, is a staple here, but I also really enjoy Joe Vasconcellos. I actually saw La Ley and Los Tres in a concert here during my first stay in Chile in the 90s. For more folkloric music Los Jaivas do not disappoint. I sent a CD to my father years ago and he loved it. Of course, Inti Illimani too.

Charly is my favorite, though. Although, I am not sure how he is still alive!

La Ley brings me back to my early years in Schiile.

And then I found about the 80s music onwards of LA from Soda Stereo to Charly etc. and the sounds of Chile from Los Prisioneros to Inti and Joe V., etc.

Oh I remember the days back when the Santiago Centro bars/fuentes were open 21-24 hours, the pay for jukebox an important fixture for music, the late night characters from partiers, bohemians, lanzas, trannies, gays, etc. and where I met my future wife who was working behind the counter…

That place was a long-time fixture on Santa Rosa near the intersection with Alameda, after all the BS Estallido and COVID, I wonder if it still exists? Name originally was San Remo and then eventually La Pica de Clinton as its other nearby sister fuente across Alameda was renamed Clinton many years before after the impromptu visit and serving of a completo to Pres. Clinton there during his trip to Santiago.

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Soda Stereo - one I forgot.Sobredosis de TV is one of my favorites. For Charly it would be Raros Peinados Nuevos and Cerca de la Revolución, although that last one feels a bit too real these days.

My husband just rediscovered that he had this CD, bought in El Centro years ago.

It disappeared in the move almost four years back. That does amaze me we have been living in this house for almost four years. We are listening now. 1993 was my first introduction to Chile and that is when I went to the concert with Los Tres.

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Like one of the comments in YT said, I had no idea that song was from them.


I began my experiment in international living - Chile - in May 2001 and La Ley’s Aqui is a song from that time period which I was always remember fondly.

Strange how the rise of the band and its petering out coincides with Chile’s economic peak before its self-inflicted decline.

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I didn’t know either. For a while I thought it was New Order.

Just bought Piano Bar by Charly García on vinyl. I highly recommend it.

Well, we just bought tickets to see Los Fabulosos Cadillacs on March 22. It’s at Arena Monticello, which is only about 15 minutes from the house, which should help avoid any issues with encerronas, portonazos, etc.