Hi, first post here – been working in Dubai for the last 4 1/2 years, and recently moved back to Chile. Glad to have found this forum!
I’m moving a three-bedroom apartment’s worth (including kitchen appliances) from Santiago (Ñuñoa) to San Francisco de Limache in mid-December – anyone got any trustworthy moving company recommendations?
Thanks in advance!
I just wanted to say welcome to the forum.
Unfortunately, I can’t recommend anyone. Three years ago when we moved, the landlord was giving us a huge hassle about the salvoconducto. So, over 6 weeks, on the weekends we would load everything that fit into the car and brought it to the new house. We even fit the washing machine in the back of a VW Gol
. Most of our furniture was hand-me-downs anyways so we gave it away or donated and had new items delivered to the house.