Happy Thanksgiving all

Happy Thanksgiving for those that celebrate this holiday. We are cooking a turkey with stuffing that has butter and herbs between the skin and meat, cranberry sauce, pumpkin y pecan pie, and watching some thanksgiving shows like Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.

As challenging as the world has become, we still have more than enough to be thankful for including this community and you fine people that are a part of it. God bless all of you

:turkey: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart: :turkey:

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I haven’t really celebrated this traditional USA holiday since 2000.

I would have done at least trutos de pavo and I do have a can of OceanSpray cranberry jelly but I got caught up in other stuff.

It does feel different, like the timeline has changed or something :space_invader: and that this year is a year to really celebrate since 9 1 1 though we are FAR from out of the woods.

If the coming year proves it, I will show my Chile family a US TG celbration in 2025!