Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December.
I require my, “derecho a una vivienda digna.” Since I do not have my four story, marble floored, ten bedroom home on a mountain with a view accessible by my helipad given to me by the state for free, I will not observe and celebrate today.
I was talking to a friend in South Africa and she told me that there they have a law that sounds similar to one of the Jadue/Boric proposals, that makes it very hard to evict or remove people if they stop paying rent or have taken over a property when they don’t have a dignified alternative housing solution.
As you can imagine, it has only made the affordable housing crisis worse. Landlords that need the rental income to pay the mortgage have to take the risk and rent their properties out. However, if a landlord doesn’t absolutely need the income and/or the property is paid off, they often take it off the market, meaning that there are fewer homes available to rent.