“un peruano y dos venezolanos”
I was wondering if it might have been the case.
One of the indications of a society is how much trust can be placed in strangers. If you were brought up in a place where that level is higher, you are unconsciously not prepared for dealing with the local klepto mentality. Until something unfortunate happens to raise awareness.
So not stupid, but probably now somewhat disillusioned with the local reality. And more careful…
I think opportunistic theft might be part of the culture here. I am not referring to the roving bands of thieves who use physical force. Rather it is the worker taking whatever they can from the gringo employer, or the bus passenger who spots a backpack whose owner is occupied and looking the other way, and he quietly steals the backpack, gets off the bus, , removes the valuables, puts them in his backpack and returns to the bus, knowing he will not be searched. In North America they might be called kleptomaniacs, kleptomania is a psychosis and is somewhat rare. Here, it is not a psychosis, it is an opportunity.
I know it is.
A typical local incident that happened just last Saturday night.
For not giving up his cellphone, this unfortunate guy lost his life.
…yo creo que él se resistió y por eso quizás lo apuñalaron dos veces, una certera en el corazón y la otra en una costilla”.
Don’t think it couldn’t happen to you…
When will Chileans accept that this level of violence is completely intolerable, and do something about it!
Good question. I noticed that rhe predominant movie culture in Chile is Hollywood action flicks with gratuitous violence so it is almost as if crime and violence are being planted everyday in the minds of the Chilean audience. (It happens in North America also). If the global elite can keep us turned against each other and awash in fear and violence, we will not take them to the guillotines.
What a surprise! /s
Chileans are victim of Bus thefts as well.
Not exactly an asalto though.
So long as the country promotes this progressive-socialist persuasion and continues to practice “derechos humanos” as in effect "derechos a delinquir" then the country will not recover from its steady downward spiral, with increasing levels of violence that the rest of Latin America is known for.
I believe that the “Chile- All Ways Surprising” lema should be updated to “Chile - Always Disappointing.”
The most important dollar volume cargo port in Western South America was without a cargo scanner for 7 months (this probably on the conservative side if one has reason to doubt the CYA official report).
And how did the public finally find out about IT? After the recent accusation of the UN saying San Antonio is the main cocaine export port to Europe, the US and Mexico. The same UN via Agenda 2030 and other sovereignty destroying mandates that helped put Chile on the road as a narcostate with open borders to human rights only for criminals to measures sure to destroy economic expansion to dividing the people with the international woke agenda while the middle class and 50 years of hard earned prosperity begin circling the drain.
I suspect that most of the San Antonio port workers, including Customs and the Dock police are on the take. There’s no way that massive drug exporting can go undetected.
Also, Chile is the continental leader in drug consumption, especially among the young. Perhaps that partly explains the current chaotic state of the country.
And the root cause…from 3 years ago: Gracias Bachelet, Gracias Piñera.
More details on the murder of American tourist Eric Garvin. He was killed for attempting to photograph a narco-house.
La noche de su muerte, Eric salió a comer, tomó una foto y con ello, selló su destino. Al momento de sacar su celular y posicionarlo en frente suyo, en dirección a un cité -emplazado en calle Bulnes, entre Juan Martínez de Rozas y San Pablo- se le acercó a paso apresurado un desconocido que lo apuntó con una arma. Rápidamente otros hombres intentaron meter por la fuerza a Garvin al inmueble. Fue entonces que comenzaron los disparos. Fueron seis. Dos dieron en su abdomen y uno en la pierna izquierda.
Unfortunately, desperate situations call for radical solutions. But don’t expect them from this government.
Just happens the Lo Espejo merchant who shot the Venezuelan criminal in the face is an acquaintance of my step-daughter.
Also, two more reports from within my circle. The nieto’s school in Independencia was full of police when wifey dropped him off. A teacher had been assaulted earlier by a Venezuelan which comes on the heels of two 3rd graders of the same school who were assaulted the day previously by a Venezuelan.
So the “Streets Without Violence Plan” of the inept Boric government to combat crime by targeting a selection of comunas in Chile is revealing that the critics were correct on the mobility of crime.
Cartagena, which was the only comuna chosen in the Provincia de San Antonio is contiguos to the north with El Tabo and the south with San Antonio. El Tabo has seen robbery in homes with residents present go up 200 percent.
Couple of English cuicos robbed in Valpo when their vehicle had a flat.
Either a pinchazo or a passer-by taking advantage of the situation.