Lapsed Permanent Resident / Expired Temporary Residency

I was granted Residencia Permanente status in 2017 – I had moved to Dubai by then, but came back to receive the RUT card, sign papers etc. I kept it alive by returning often enough, until the pandemic hit. I returned in October 2021 (and stayed – longest I’ve been in one country for 20 years!). At the airport they confiscated my card, and told me that I could reapply for temporary residence as (kinda seemed like some sort of grey zone) a tourist/lapsed permanent resident – the lapsed tourist resident aspect would cut some corners, speed things up. I applied, received the Certificado de Residencia Temporal en Trámite, and then nothing. The certificado was good for six months, the expiration date has come and gone. When I try to extend it online, “Su Ampliación de Certificado de Residencia Temporal en Trámite no se encuentra disponible por el momento.”

I am married to a Chilean, and we have a nine year-old daughter. I’m a Canadian citizen, here on a British passport, I’m retired and can support my family on my US Social Security payments.

What’s my next step?

Your permanent residency was tacitly revoked if you spent one year outside Chile without obtaining an extension.

I take it that this tramite which supposedly allows extending the temporary residence period is what is failing.

I think you will have to seek professional advice, I believe Spencer Global could help.

A quick internet search also found these people.

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According to Decreto 597, Artículo 51, there’s somewhat of a grace period if you had permanent residency and haven’t been absent for the last five years – you’re automatically granted temporary residency when you return. And, according to the Immigration Officer at the airport, when you eventually re-apply for permanent residency, they’ll let you skip a few steps this time around.

But ya, the issue I’m dealing with is the temporary residency being processed.


I have a lawyer who is helping me with my case over at ImmiChile. feargle posted the link for them. So far, happy with the assistance I have received. Have not used Spencer Global.

Despite having more bureaucrats than ever, serving the public is not their priority, and routine tramites are often ignored when submitted directly by the “little guy” without pituto access.

I have unsuccessfully been trying to obtain a Certificado de Viajes from the PDI for the last 3 months, and that’s a minor issue compared to establishing or maintaining Residency.