Positive experience with Registro Civil appointment system

Hi All,

I have a question regarding cedula renewal. I am a permanent resident since 2019, and my cedula expires in January. I am a bit unsure of when exactly I should be making the appointmet at the registro civil. According to the chileatiende page they give you 30 days to renew, but is that 30 days before the expiration date, or 30 days after? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Also, how long is the turn around time from the initial appointment to picking up the new cedula? I will be using PTO, so will need to plan my trip. Thanks for the help!

I renewed mine way ahead of time (over a month before expiration) as it would have expired during my trip to USA-landia. Only took a week, San Antonio RC.

Does anyone happen to know in which Registro Civil Offices foreigners can renew their cedula’s? Based off the instructions online i guess one can only do it at specific locations. I was thinking about doing it while I am visiting Puerto Varas.