Chile Ministry Robbed as Thief Poses as Giorgio Jackson

The more I learn about this with each passing day the crazier it gets. It’s like a movie.

After everything that has happened under the corrupt Burric gov executive branch, the judicial system is also obviously compromised leaving the legislative branch which at historic low confidence ratings is the last check of the entire imploding system as the military obviously will not interfere in politics again.

The country cannot wait three years for a new executive as each week of the Burric gov things just get worse and worse and seem to be accelerating in that characteristic.

Congress needs to form a competent provisional gov to get us through to the next Pres election focussing on the real needs and demands of the citizenry and reversing capital flight from the country.

Mosciatti suspects that the whole operation was undertaken to destroy compromising content in Jackson’s Safe, and was instigated from within the government itself, employing professional criminals.

The red-herring computers were recovered ridiculously easily, but the whereabouts of the Safe remains unknown.

These people continue to run the country into the ground.

Yeah. It seems sort of suspicious that the computers were recovered so quickly but the safe hasn’t been. It does sort of feel like the computers were some fort of distraction. Although, can we be sure they are the same computers?

The whole thing is really bizarre. I wonder if we will even learn who was really behind it.

The safe has been found. No sign of the documents it held, of course.

It’s interesting now that the burglaries at the different offices of the Corporación de Asistencia Judicial are only now getting news coverage. As, I’ve mentioned before, the Lo Espejo office where my husband used to work was burglarized five times last year. He has heard that Talagante had 15 break-ins. Other centers have been burglarized too.

Computers were stolen during some of the burglaries. They were old computers, probably not worth much, and all the important information is entered in online through the Poder Judicial or a proprietary system, not stored on hard drives. It definitely doesn’t seem like people were stealing them to access or hide information. I have seen some comments trying to say these are attempts to cover up involvement with the foundations. That doesn’t seem likely, since the agency works on a shoestring budget. There’s no money left over to give to foundations. There have even been news reports about the poor condition of some centers. And, of course, it’s nothing new. A lot of offices are located in higher-crime areas and have minimal security, so that seems to be why they are targeted.