An obligation to fortify milk, dairy products, vegetable drinks and wheat flour

The Senate Health Commission sent to the Chamber the project that establishes the obligation to fortify certain foods with vitamin D.

The regulations had already been endorsed in general by this work table, so it only remained to discuss the articles.

In the middle of the debate, the commission approved an indication from the Executive: “There will be an obligation to fortify milk, dairy products, vegetable drinks and wheat flour for baking with vitamin D3.”

“The amount determined will be defined by the competent authority. Food produced in the country as well as imported foods should be fortified,” the text adds.

If true, not a bad thing as the population is deficient in this and there would be a miraculous decrease in colds, flus and even a particular flu caused by a certain SARS virus.

The biggest error in the history of mass food fortification was halting iodine fortification (now another major deficiency along with D3) in everyday sold flour and replacing it with toxic bromine and iron (especially dangerous for the older male and female population who just cannot expel excess iron).

For me personally this is very sad – when there are more and more obligations to fortify certain foods with certain things. But if the majority of folks are truly happy when they are forced to eat all these very good substances, and if they prefer mandatory fortification rather than having a choice… good for them.

IMO, the population is deficient in education, and it has to be thorough education in regards to what are right and healthy ways of life, what is healthy diet, how naturally produced food contain everything needed, education regarding physical, mental, and emotional culture, so rather than investing in the overpriced medicine, health insurance, and relying solely on healthcare systems to take care of their body – the population invests from the very young age into their own body and health, cultivating them in natural and traditional ways… form the very creation of the world — everything, everything literally, was already there – all that was needed to naturally take care of peoples health… yes, you know me, and I know you, so that your views in regards to the artificially manufactured vitamins etc. differ a bit, nonetheless – that was what I wanted to note.